Nowadays, more and more people are taking cosplay to an all new level; for some, the hobby has evolved into an obsession, and for others it is pure enjoyment.

Whether cosplay is a hobby or a casual activity, many of those wearing costumes will not compromise on the quality of their costume, and the more realistic it looks the better! Many cosplay costume wearers diverge into the character that they are dressed as, and assume a second identity as they adopt the character’s abilities and personality.

If the costume is a cheap imitation, then it affects a lot more than just the overall appearance of the person wearing it; getting into character will be difficult for that person, and the longevity of the costume will also be compromised.

When you purchase a cosplay costume, it can be purchased online from a cosplay store (such as, from a brick-and-mortar store cosplay shop, or it can be made by a commissioner from scratch. Of course there is also the option of making your own costume.

When it comes to the quality and accuracy of cosplay costumes, it will vary from one store to the next, and from one commissioner to the next.

The easiest way to really tell if you are getting good quality is in the pricing; the lower the price of the costume, the higher the chance that the costume is poor quality. Quality and price go hand in hand with cosplay costumes.

Cosplay stores

When you purchase from a cosplay store, especially physical shops, keep a careful eye on the quality of the costume that you want to purchase. Some stores stock amazing, high-quality costumes and accessories, but they are also few and far between some of the larger wholesalers who rely on mass produced costumes.

The larger stores place their focus on quantity instead of quality, and some buyers are naïve to this; they assume a brand name or popular store will only stock quality costumes, and unfortunately this isn’t always the case.

At the same time it doesn’t mean that all costumes in larger stores are of bad quality. You just need to be mindful of what it is that you are settling for, and what materials the costume is made from. For instance, satin can be quite a tricky fabric; it can look amazing in some lighting and cheap-looking in others.

Satin also easily frays, and the overall costume starts pulling apart at the seams; it is this fabric that tends to be stocked the most for costumes in the larger stores. Be picky when you choose your costume, take a reference photo along with you, feel the fabric, check the lining and the seams, look for reviews, and if you are in doubt, then move onto the next store.

We can highly recommend looking at the online store They stock some of the best quality costumes available, and pride themselves on the costumes and accessories that they provide, the service is personal and client satisfaction is key for them. Since they are online, you can shop from the comfort of your home or office.


If you use a commissioner, then your costume will be made from scratch and designed to your specifications and personal sizing. A lot of the time, these commissioners are cosplay themselves and have a passion for the costumes that they create. They also understand what type of fabrics to use for a particular costume, and what intricate detailing to include.

Be wary of which commissioner you choose though; just because your costume is made from scratch, it does not mean it will be good quality. Only use an experienced commissioner, one who can show you their portfolio.

If you can see how others have rated their services, then that will also be a helpful indication. Be particular with your requests, and frequently view the progress of your costume so that you can analyze the quality as it is being made.


If you are concerned about who to use for your customized costume then the website also offers services to create a fully customized costume for you, and you will definitely be getting the best quality.

At the end of the day quality and accuracy is a gamble when purchasing or ordering a costume online, so use a recommended site with good reviews such as rather than a site that offers something similar and at a cheaper price.